Latest news | Ardee - Castleblayney

March 2024- N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme- Funding Update and Project Status

The Phase 3 road design process commenced in February 2021 and was expected to be complete non 2023. No funding was received to progress the scheme in 2023, and design work was suspended. 

Monaghan County Council requested funding in 2024, however no allocation has been received. Design work on the project remains suspended. 

Acknowledging that projects such as this project can take many years to get through the approval and delivery process, a separate allocation of €100,000 has been provided by TII for a minor safety scheme to address existing safety issues and local safety interventions. TII has advised it remains committed to the delivery of the major project as identified in the National Development Plan, and Monaghan County Council will continue to seek funding to allow the major road scheme to progress.  

The project team would like to extend our sincere gratitude to landowners and stakeholders for their co-operation over the past years on this project.

March 2023 – N2 Ardee To Castleblayney Road Scheme – Scheme Update

Monaghan County Council has been working in association with Louth County Council, and in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), to upgrade the existing N2 between Ardee and Castleblayney since 2018.

Transport Infrastructure Ireland provide funding for National Road projects, and Monaghan County Council seek funding from TII on an annual basis to progress this scheme. The 2023 National Road funding allocations were announced on the 16th February 2023, however this year the Minister included conditions under the Roads Act in relation to the funding being made available for new road projects. The conditions specified an allocation of €600,000 for the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme, which is to ‘meet current project commitments’, whereas funding for other new road projects around the country was to allow ‘further progression’ of those projects.  

The €600,000 allocation is less than the funding requested for the project for 2023, and is not sufficient to allow current phase design work to be completed. Monaghan County Council has made a request for additional funding to allow the project design to continue, although it is unknown if further funding will be made available in 2023.

Pending additional funding being made available, design work and progress on the project must be stopped at this point. Recommencement of the project will be dependent on further funding from TII.

Monaghan County Council has written to landowners who have previously been directly contacted by the project team to inform them of the status of the project.

Monaghan and Louth County Councils would like to extend their sincere gratitude to landowners and stakeholders for their co-operation over the past years on this project.

February 2023 - N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme – Updated Design now available on Project Website’

Following three public consultations on the proposed scheme between 2019 and 2022, a 400m wide Preferred Route Corridor was published in February 2021. The project then entered the next phase of TII’s planning and design process (Phase 3: Design and Environmental Evaluation), and Jacobs are in the process of designing the road (including junctions and accesses), identifying the landtake required, undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment and preparing Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) documentation.

In September 2022, the project team contacted approximately 300 directly affected landowners, inviting them to meet with members of the project team to discuss the potential impact of the scheme on their lands. Landowner meetings took place in the Shirley Arms Hotel, Carrickmacross between 20th September 2022 and 20th October 2022. At these meetings, the ‘Initial Road Design’ was presented, and the project team explained the proposed design and impacts in the vicinity of the land holdings, and provided landowners with drawings of this Initial Road Design and potential landtake. In November 2022, the same ‘Initial Road Design’ was published on N2 Project Website ( to allow the wider community, stakeholders and public to view the proposed design and provide feedback.

Over the last few months, the feedback received has been considered by the project team. Where feasible, amendments have been made to the ‘Initial Road Design’, and an ‘Updated Road Design’ has been prepared. While all feedback and comments were considered, it was not feasible/practical to incorporate all design change requests into the updated design due to design and environmental constraints.

The ‘Updated Road Design’ is now available to view as an interactive map on the N2 Project Website ( The map-based system shows the route of the proposed N2, the locations of the proposed interchanges and junctions onto the N2, the route of proposed sideroads and access roads along the N2, and an updated indicative Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) boundary. The interactive map allows the user to quickly and easily zoom-into their area of interest.

We ask any landowners who do not have internet access or cannot access the online mapping system to contact the N2 Project Team via the Project Phoneline (087 340 3786).

With the publication of the ‘Updated Road Design’, the project team would welcome feedback on this updated design. Feedback can be submitted to the project team by email ( or through the N2 Project Phoneline (087 340 3786).

Over the coming months the project team will continue to consider any feedback in relation to the ‘Updated Road Design’ before the road design and landtake requirements are finalised, and the CPO documentation and Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) are completed.

With reference to the graphic below, it is currently expected that the design will be finalised, and the planning application documentation will be completed by mid-2023. Thereafter, approvals will be necessary to allow the project to be submitted to An Bord Pleanála / An Coimisiún Pleanála. 

If you have further queries regarding the ’Updated Road Design’, or the project in general, please do not hesitate to contact the N2 Project Team by telephone or e-mail (as per the details above).

October 2022 - N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme – Initial Design now available on Project Website

In February 2021, a 400m wide Preferred Route Corridor was published for the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme. The project then entered the next phase of TII’s planning and design process and Jacobs started the process of designing the road, identifying the landtake required, and undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment.  

The N2 Project Team has substantially completed the necessary surveys/investigations to prepare an initial design of the proposed road. In September, the project team contacted approximately 300 directly affected landowners, inviting them to meet with members of the project team to discuss the potential impact of the scheme on their lands. The project team wishes to sincerely thank all landowners who have attended meetings over the past 5 weeks.  

Details of the initial road design are now being made available to the wider community and stakeholders along the route of the proposed road. The design is available on the Publications page of the project website The design shows the preliminary, initial design, and is subject to change following feedback from stakeholders.  

The map-based system shows the route of the proposed N2, the locations of the proposed interchanges and junctions onto the N2, and the route of proposed sideroads and access roads along the N2. This provides the wider community the opportunity to view the impacts of the project on the local road network and to view the alternative routes they will be required to travel to access local facilities and to join the improved N2. The answers to Frequently Asked Questions are also available on the project website.   

Over the coming months the N2 Project Team will consider feedback received from landowners and other stakeholders before a design is finalised. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and CPO documentation will then be prepared. Subject to approval, would then be submitted to An Bord Pleanála as part of the planning approval process. 

Feedback can be submitted to the N2 Project Team by email or via the N2 Project Phoneline 087 340 3786.

September 2022 - Details of Upcoming Landowner Meetings

The initial design of the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme is now complete, and the N2 Project Team is now in a position to meet with directly affected landowners impacted by the scheme. Landowner meetings will commence on Tuesday, 20th September 2022 and are scheduled to run over a period of 5 weeks.

  • Letters will be posted to landowners whose lands may be directly affected by the proposed scheme on Tuesday 6th September advising of the upcoming landowner meetings, and inviting them to make an appointment for a meeting.
  • At the individual landowner meetings, landowners will receive a drawing showing the proposed route of the proposed N2, junction/access arrangements and the lands affected/indicative landtake. The meetings will be attended by a member of the project team, and landowners will have the opportunity to discuss the impact of the project on their land and property.
  • Landowner meetings will take place in the Shirley Arms Hotel in Carrickmacross. Online video-call meetings are also available for people who cannot attend this venue.
  • Meetings are available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week from Tuesday 20th September 2022 to Thursday 20th October 2022. Appointment times are available between 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 8pm each day. Priority may be given to landowners who’s lands/property have been identified as having the most significant potential impact.
  • Approximately 300 landowners have been identified along the route. To accommodate all landowners, meetings will be scheduled for a maximum of 45 minutes. Due to space limitations and the ongoing threat of Covid-19, we request that a maximum of 3 people attend each meeting.
  • Landowners can book a meeting appointment by contacting the N2 Project Team;
  • At this stage meetings will only be held with respect to individual land holdings, and it will not be possible to facilitate meetings with groups or multiple landowners.
  • At the end of the 5 week meeting period, details of the initial design, including the route of the N2, junctions and accesses, and the lands affected will be published on the project website Members of the public are welcome to submit comments or feedback in relation to the proposed design after this point.  
  • The answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the project are available on the project website – further details in relation to the upcoming stages of the design process, planning process and land acquisition process will be added over the coming weeks.
  • At this stage in the process it will not be possible to agree any accommodation works, valuations or compensation packages, as these are dealt with through the subsequent formal Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process. The main purpose of this meeting is to present and discuss the initial design of the proposed scheme.
  • Any comments made by the landowners at the meeting will be taken on board, or landowners can submit feedback by post, email or by phone after the meeting. Feedback received will then be considered by the design team before a design is finalised and the CPO documentation prepared, which subject to approval, would then be submitted as part of the planning approval process to An Bord Pleanála.
  • The stages and progress of the current phase of the project, which is Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) as per Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s (TII) Project Management Guidelines, is shown below.

June 2022 - Design Progress

The design of the road alignment, including sideroads, accesses and the proposed landtake, is progressing. Environmental studies are also being finalised, including;       

  • Bat surveys and other seasonal/follow-up ecological surveys
  • Barn owl surveys (Note - Due to their travel patterns and hunting territories, the area of interest for barn owl surveys may extend up to 5km either side of the proposed road corridor. As a result, the N2 Project Team may be in contact with landowners located outside of any previously defined study area who have not previously had any contact from the project team).
  • Archaeological assessments of potential sites of interest.   

An initial design is currently being progressed, allowing meaningful discussions with affected landowners to start in Q3 2022. The N2 Project Team will be in contact with directly affected landowners in relation to these discussions in the coming months.

December 2021 – Update on Surveys 

Ground Investigation Works nearing completion; The N2 Project Team would like to thank landowners and property holders along the route of the N2 for their ongoing co-operation and assistance during the recent Ground Investigations. The works are due for completion in December 2021, although there will be some ongoing monitoring of standpipes over the next 12 months. The first batch of 60 landowner compensation payments have been issued by Monaghan County Council, and further payments are expected to issue in the coming weeks.

Topographical Surveys; The Project Team would also like to thank land and property owners who facilitated surveys on their lands. The surveys are practically complete, and the information gained will be used to inform the design of the route. We expect to be able to update stakeholders about the expected timeframe for the release of the initial design, although it is likely to be in Quarter 3 2022 before the project team is in a position to have meaningful discussions with affected landowners.  

Noise Surveys due to commence in January 2022; Noise impacts will be assessed as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process. Impacts on residences and communities due to noise will be minimised by avoiding houses and villages wherever possible, and where necessary, noise barriers such as earth bunds or fences may be proposed to mitigate the impact.

The scheme will be required to comply with national standards on noise levels, and the design and construction of the scheme will be carried out in accordance with TII’s Environmental Assessment and Construction Guidelines.

To determine where mitigation is required, modelling of noise levels will be undertaken in accordance with TII Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Development) of project development. An initial assessment of the Route Options was undertaken at earlier stages in the project, and now detailed assessment can be undertaken of noise impacts along the Preferred Route Corridor.

To develop the noise model, noise monitoring will be undertaken at various locations in the study area. The locations will be selected in-line with TII Noise Guidelines. Noise monitoring is not required at every dwelling house - the selected locations will be representative of the wider area and will be chosen based on a variety of factors and how representative they are of the surrounding area. The noise model will be checked against the results of these on-the-ground noise surveys to verify the accuracy of the model, allowing noise impacts to be determined along the full length of the route. The noise model will allow the project team to assess noise impacts at every dwelling in the study area. It will take into account traffic numbers, ground levels and the design of the proposed scheme.

The noise model will allow the design team to determine the location, extent and type of noise mitigation required, and these measures will then be included in the scheme design. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the scheme will also include details of the noise impacts and the mitigation proposed.  

September 2021 Update- Surveys Underway  

A range of surveys are currently ongoing for the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney and the N2 Clontibret to Border Road Schemes. These surveys will inform the Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) Process, and will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and proposing mitigation measures. Details of the outcomes of these surveys will be included in an Environmental Impact Assessment Report which, subject to relevant approvals, will be submitted to An Bord Pleanála through the next phase of the project (Phase 4; Statutory Approvals).

Details of the planned surveys currently underway or due to commence shortly are as follows; 

Survey Type 

Planned Survey period 



Ground Investigation Walkover Survey 

May 2021


Data gathered has been used in scoping the upcoming Ground Investigation contract.  

Ground Investigation 

July – December 2021

Letters, outlining the propose works and details of compensation payment arising, have been issued to affected landowners.   Investigation works commenced on-site in August and are currently ongoing.

This data will be used by the project team in designing the road scheme and identifying landtake.

Topographical Survey 

July - October 2021

Survey has commenced and is currently ongoing

This data will be used by the project team in designing the road scheme and identifying landtake.

Breedingle birds 

May 2021 – July 2021

Surveys ongoing in-line with national guidelines.  

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.  


Fossett/ Species & habitats of conservation interest 

May 2021 – July 2021

Surveys ongoing in-line with national guidelines.

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.


Mar 2021 – Mar 2022

Surveys ongoing in-line with national guidelines. A full year of surveys is required.  

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.

Barn Owl 

Late Summer

2021 and March 2022

Surveys will be undertaken in-line with national guidelines.

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.


Late summer 2021

These surveys are informed by the above habitat surveys and late summer is a better time to identify plants. Further surveys may be required depending on the results.  

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.

Aquatic surveys 

Late summer 2021

These surveys are informed by the above habitat surveys and late summer is a better time to identify plants. Further surveys may be required depending on the results.

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.

Winter Bird Surveys 

Winter 2021

Winter 2021/2022

Winter 2021 surveys have been completed and winter 2021/2022 will be completed starting in October 2021. This is in line with national guidelines.  

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.

Noise Surveys 

Autumn 2021

The TII Noise Guidelines will be used to provide guidance on the treatment of noise during the planning and design of these schemes. The Consultant will take into account existing noise conditions and the design of the proposed scheme to establish a clear picture of predicted changes in noise levels. Based on the guidelines, Noise Surveys (monitoring) will be undertaken at representative locations, and the results of the surveys will be used in developing a model for the whole scheme.  All properties in the study area will be modelled for noise impacts and it will be possible to show predicted changes in noise at individual properties.  The noise surveys are expected to commence in August 2021 and the project team will make contact with relevant landowners in due course.

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.



Sept – Oct 2021

These walkover surveys will commence after the topographical surveys are completed, as those surveys will inform where archaeological features could be found.  

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the alignment and considering mitigation measures.

Agronomy Surveys 

June 2021- Sept 2021

These surveys commenced in June 2021. Surveyors will continue making contact with agricultural landowners affected by the scheme from mid-June 2021 and onwards. This will be done in-line with Covid protocols and will take into account that it is a very busy time of the year for farmers.    

This data will be considered by the project team in designing the initial alignment and considering access arrangements.

The N2 Project Team continue to work remotely, but can still be contacted by landowners and members of the public via the N2 Project Phoneline 087 340 3786, or email:


April 2021 – Phase 3 Planned Surveys (Topographical and Environmental)

Following the recent publication of the Preferred Route Corridor for the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme, we are progressing the next phase of the project which involves the design of the new road and the assessment of the environmental impacts. 

The N2 Project Team will be progressing with a range of topographical, investigation and environmental site surveys to inform this process and to determine the exact details of the land take, drainage, earthworks, junction and side road design and property impacts. In some locations the survey area extends outside of the published Preferred Route Corridor – this is typically because we need to survey the sideroads and local roads adjoining the N2, or areas where interchanges/junctions are being considered. The topographical surveys are expected to commence in May 2021 and will run during the summer months. They will be undertaken by a team of specialist surveyors. The team may need to walk across land to record ground levels and to map buildings and other structures, vegetation, rivers and other features in the landscape. Environmental surveys such as agriculture, ecology, and noise surveys will also shortly commence. These will be walkover surveys and will not cause disturbance to land or property. Where applicable, our agronomist will be in contact with agricultural landowners with respect to the agronomy surveys. Our noise surveyors will also contact relevant landowners where it is proposed to install equipment which may need access to lands. Our specialist survey teams are responsible for their own Health and Safety, hold Employer’s Liability and Public Liability Insurance and are required to work within the current Covid-19 guidance and regulations. As the site surveys are completed, the initial design of the road can be progressed. When the design has reached a level of maturity where informed discussions can take place, the N2 Project Team will consult with directly impacted landowners in relation to the initial design and its impact on land and property. Thereafter, feedback will be considered, and amendments may be made, where feasible, before finalising the design and landtake requirements. It should be noted that further surveys such as additional environmental surveys as well as geotechnical surveys will be planned as part of this Phase. Further details of these surveys will be made available when these are confirmed. 

If you have further queries about the design process, or wish to speak to someone about the project, the N2 Project Team is available and can be contacted on the Project E-mail address ( ) or by phone on 087 340 3786 during normal working hours.

March 2021 – Phase 3 of the planning and design process has now commenced

Following the selection of the Preferred Route Corridor, the next phase of TII’s planning and design process has now commenced (i.e. Phase 3: Design and Environmental Evaluation). This will involve further development of the scheme, including design of the road, identifying the landtake required, junction design and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment. As shown on the Public Consultation Road Map, Phase 3 is planned to be undertaken in 2021 and 2022. Throughout the Phase 3 design process, the N2 Project Team is committed to continuously engaging with people living, working or who own land and property within the Study Area, however the design of the road and identification of the impacts on land and property will take some time to develop. In order to inform the design process, the N2 Project Team will first undertake a range of engineering and environmental site surveys. The design team will be in contact with relevant landowners to arrange these surveys. As the site surveys are completed, the initial design of the road can be progressed. When the design has reached a level of maturity where informed discussions can take place, the N2 Project Team will consult with directly impacted landowners in relation to the initial design and its impact on land and property. Thereafter, feedback will be considered, and amendments may be made, where feasible, before finalising the design and landtake requirements. The dates shown on the figure are indicative, and may be subject to change as the Phase 3 design process progresses. If you have further queries about the design process, or wish to speak to someone about the project, the N2 Project Team is available and can be contacted on the Project E-mail address ( or by phone on 087 340 3786 during normal working hours.

February 2021 -  The Preferred Route for the Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme has now been published.

Following review and consideration of the submissions and feedback received through the public consultation, it was determined that there was no substantially new and/or additional information which would result in an amendment to the previously presented Emerging Preferred Route Corridor (Option A: Yellow). Therefore, Option A, without any amendments, has been selected as the Preferred Route Corridor (‘Preferred Option’).
The Option Selection Report, which also includes the Post Consultation Report for the third non-statutory public consultation, is made available to download here. A digital copy of the report (on a memory stick) can be requested from the N2 Project Team for those who cannot download the report due to poor internet access.

The Project Team would like to sincerely thank those who submitted their feedback and engaged with them over the phone, via email or at meetings during the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor public consultation which was held between August and October 2020. The Project Team are still contactable by phone or email, should you have any further queries.

22 February 2020 - Wintering Bird Surveys Commencing

Each winter, whooper swans migrate from Iceland to Ireland because of our milder winters. They start to arrive in Ireland in October and generally leave in March. Whooper swans are a protected species and are generally found on farmland around inland wetlands and loughs.  

The N2 Project Team will be surveying for the whooper swans in order to assess any potential impacts. In-line with national guidance the surveyor will need to repeat their visits between January and March 2021 and October and December 2021. The surveyors will survey from public land (e.g. roadside locations) and sometimes private land in order to get a better view of the swans. For private lands, where we wish to undertake these surveys, letters have been posted to these particular landowners.

6th October 2020 - Public Consultation 3 update

The Emerging Preferred Route Public Consultation is now complete and the project team would sincerely like to thank all those who contributed and participated in meetings (online, by phone or in person) with the project team. The information we have received will be of significant benefit to the conclusion of the current phase of the project and will help inform the next design phase also. The project team are still available to be contacted by phone or email, should you have any further queries.

24th August 2020 -  ‘Emerging Preferred Route Corridor Published’

An ‘Emerging Preferred Route Corridor’ has been published and the project is now moving to the third stage of non-statutory public consultation.

A third period of non-statutory public consultation seeking feedback on the ‘Emerging Referred Route Corridor’ will run between Tuesday, 25th August 2020 and will run for six weeks until 5th October 2020.

Landowners within the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor will receive an information pack by post on or after the 25th August 2020. The information pack will include drawings and maps of the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor, information on the Option Selection process to date and details of this third public consultation. A leaflet will be delivered to properties within the other Route Corridor Options on or after the 25th August 2020 advising that the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor has been identified and that the public consultation process has commenced.

Public Consultation Format

Due to the threat COVID-19 poses to human health, it is not planned to hold large scale public events as part of the ‘Emerging Preferred Route Corridor’ public consultation process. In response to the COVID-19 restrictions, an online public consultation experience has been developed on the project website – this is now live. This online public consultation experience will allow stakeholders and the general public to view maps, project information and express their opinion in a safe and accessible environment.

It is understood that online information cannot be accessed by everyone, and to this end a range of options will be available for people to speak directly with and meet members of the Project Team during the public consultation period, including:

  • Through the project phoneline (087 340 3786), where members of the team will be available to give an overview of the project and answer general questions.
  • Email queries will be accepted throughout the public consultation period at
  • During the first three weeks of the public consultation period, 25th August – 11th September, members of the public can arrange meetings with a member of the Project Team by phone or using digital technologies
  • During the second three weeks of the planned consultation period, 14th September – 2nd October, in-person meetings will be available by appointment at venues in Monaghan Town and Carrickmacross. These in-person meetings will allow for social distancing and will adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions to safeguard the health of the public and staff.

Anyone affected by the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor or with an interest in the scheme is encouraged to make an appointment to speak with or meet the Project Team, and to submit feedback through the public consultation process.

Submissions can be made electronically via the online public consultation experience, by email to, or by FREEPOST up until 5th October 2020.

Feedback received through this public consultation process will be considered by the Project Team and amendments may be made to the Route Corridor before a Preferred Route Corridor is finalised. The Preferred Route Corridor and Option Selection Report will then be published. Stakeholders and the general public will be kept informed of progress as part of Monaghan and Louth County Council’s commitment to ongoing and considered stakeholder engagement. Updates, news and details will be posted on the website and through media notices.

17th August 2020 -  ‘Emerging Preferred Route Corridor’

An ‘Emerging Preferred Route Corridor’ is being published and the project is now moving to the third stage of non-statutory public consultation.

An ‘Emerging Preferred Route Corridor’ for the scheme will be published at 6pm on Monday, 24th August 2020 on the project website Details of the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor will also be published through local media and social media that week. A third period of non-statutory public consultation seeking feedback on the ‘Emerging Referred Route Corridor’ will begin on Tuesday, 25th August 2020 and will run for six weeks until 5th October 2020.

Landowners within the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor will receive an information pack by post on or after the 25th August 2020. The information pack will include drawings and maps of the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor, information on the Option Selection process to date and details of this third public consultation.

A leaflet will be delivered to properties within the other Route Corridor Options on or after the 25th August 2020 advising that the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor has been identified and that the public consultation process has commenced.

Public Consultation Format

Due to the threat COVID-19 poses to human health, it is not planned to hold large scale public events as part of the ‘Emerging Preferred Route Corridor’ public consultation process. In response to the COVID-19 restrictions, an online public consultation experience has been developed on the project website – this will go live at 6pm on Monday 24th August 2020. This online public consultation experience will allow stakeholders and the general public to view maps, project information and express their opinion in a safe and accessible environment.

It is understood that online information cannot be accessed by everyone, and to this end a range of options will be available for people to speak directly with and meet members of the Project Team during the public consultation period, including:

  • Through the project phoneline (087 340 3786), where members of the team will be available to give an overview of the project and answer general questions.
  • Email queries will be accepted throughout the public consultation period
  • During the first 3 weeks of the public consultation period, 25th August – 11th September, members of the public can arrange meetings with a member of the Project Team by phone or using digital technologies
  • During the second 3 weeks of the planned consultation period, 14th September – 2nd October, in-person meetings will be available by appointment at venues in Monaghan Town and Carrickmacross. These in-person meetings will allow for social distancing and will adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions to safeguard the health of the public and staff.

Once the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor has been published, anyone affected by the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor or with an interest in the scheme is encouraged to make an appointment to speak with or meet the Project Team, and to submit feedback through the public consultation process.

The third non-statutory consultation on the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor will be held between 25th August and 5th October 2020. Submissions can be made electronically via the website, by email to, or by FREEPOST up until 5th October 2020.

Feedback received through this public consultation process will be considered by the project team and amendments may be made to the Route Corridor before a Preferred Route Corridor is finalised. The Preferred Route Corridor and Option Selection Report will then be published. Stakeholders and the general public will be kept informed of progress as part of Monaghan and Louth County Council’s commitment to ongoing and considered stakeholder engagement. Updates, news and details will be posted on the website and through media notices.

5th August 2020 - Second Public Consultation Report on proposed N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Schemes published

Monaghan County Council is working in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to upgrade two sections of the N2/A5 Dublin-Derry Road. One element of the project, the Clontibret to Border road scheme, will upgrade a 28km section of the N2. Monaghan County Council is working in partnership with Louth County Council to upgrade the second element of the project - a 32km section of the N2 between Ardee and Castleblayney. Together with the other improvements planned for the N2/A5 route, the proposed schemes will significantly improve transport connectivity along the N2 and provide safer and more efficient access to other strategic national roads. 

A first public consultation took place for the ‘Study Area and Constraints’ for both schemes in June/July 2019. The key constraints within the study area were reviewed and feedback received through the public consultation was considered. Six Route Corridor Options were then identified for each scheme and a second public consultation was held on the ‘Route Corridor Options’ in late 2019.  

Public consultation events were held in the main towns along the routes, providing an opportunity to call in and meet the project team to find out more about the project. One-to-one meetings were also available in the N2 Project Office in Monaghan Town, and over 90 such meetings took place. Queries were also addressed through the project phoneline and via email, and all public consultation information was available to view on the project website Through the public consultation process the public was asked to provide feedback for consideration by the project team when identifying an Emerging Preferred Route Corridor for each Scheme.  

The ‘Route Corridor Options’ public consultation for the N2 Clontibret to Border scheme took place over six weeks between 22nd October 2019 and 5th December 2019. Over 200 submissions were received by email, post, phone and at the public consultation events. The public consultation on the ‘Route Corridor Options’ for the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme took place over six weeks between 5th November 2019 and 19th December 2019. Over 900 submissions were received by email, post, phone and at consultation events.  

A Post Consultation Report has now been prepared for the ‘Route Corridor Options’ non-statutory public consultation for each scheme, summarising how the public consultations were advertised and managed, setting out how many people participated and providing an overview of the type of feedback received. The post consultation reports are available to download from the project website  

 ‘Public consultation is a very important part of the planning and design process for these major infrastructure projects. We thank everybody who took an interest in the public consultation and gave feedback verbally or through a written submission. Each and every submission has been reviewed by the Project Team and the feedback and opinions expressed are being considered as part of the process to identify an Emerging Preferred Route Corridor for each scheme. The transparency of the public consultation process is supported by the publication of these Post Consultation Reports, which are now available to view on the project website’ said Patricia Monahan, Director of Services for Monaghan County Council. 

The N2 Project Team continue to work on the project and can be contacted through the project phoneline or by email. The project phone number is 087 340 3786. A member of the project team will be available during office hours to answer any queries or will return calls on the next working day.

2nd April 2020

The N2 Project Team is still on hand to answer any queries through a manned phoneline and dedicated email. 

To protect project staff, the general public and to reduce the transmission of covid-19, the N2 Project Office located in Monaghan Town is temporarily closed as a result of the recommended COVID- 19 restrictions, but will open again when restrictions are lifted.

The N2 Project Team continue to work on the project remotely and the team can still be contacted through the manned project phoneline or by email. 

The project phone number is: 087 340 3786. A member of the project team will be available during office hours to answer any queries, or will return any calls left out of office hours on the next working day.

The email addresses for the schemes are:     and

We hope all of our project stakeholders stay safe and well during this difficult period.

13th March 2020 COVID - 19 restrictions

In light of recent developments we would like to advise we have suspended meetings in the project office. However, we will continue to address queries on the project by phone or by email.  

TEL: 087 340 3786

13th January 2020 - Second non-statutory public consultation update

The Project Team would like to thank all contributors for taking the time to engage with the project team and for making submissions during the recent non-statutory public consultation period. The feedback will be considered and the consultants will undertake studies and surveys along the route, and will carry out an appraisal of the route options before identifying an Emerging Preferred Route Corridor. The Emerging Preferred Route Corridor will then go on display during another period of non-statutory public consultation, and further feedback will be invited and considered before the Preferred Route Corridors are finalised.  

13th November 2019 - Extension of time for submissions for 'Route Corridor Options' Public Consultation

Due to feedback received during the public consultation period, the date for submissions to the ‘Route Corridor Options’ public consultation has been extended by 2 weeks until Thursday, 19th December 2019. Submissions can be made as follows:


POST: FREEPOST N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Scheme, Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan, H18 YT50.

31st October - Second Public Consultation on Route Corridor Options on the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme

Monaghan County Council is working in partnership with Louth County Council and in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) to develop a scheme to upgrade a 32km section of the N2/A5 Dublin-Derry Road. The proposed project is in Counties Monaghan and Louth, between Ardee and Castleblayney.
(click here to read the full press release.)

26th July 2019 Public Consultation 1 - ‘Study Area & Constraints’ Public Consultation Period concludes

The first public consultation on the 'Study Area and Constraints' for the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Scheme took place in June/July 2019. Public Consultation events took place in the Glencarn Hotel in Castleblayney on the 25th June, the Nuremore Hotel in Carrickmacross on 26th June, and the Ardee Parish Centre in Ardee on 27th June 2019. Submissions in relation to the project could be made up until the 25th July 2019. The submission period has now closed. All feedback received will be considered by the project team as part of the Post-Consultation Report which will be published on this website.

Keep up to date with all the latest news on the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney scheme here.

N2 Ardee to Castleblayney